Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Me vs Hero tour dates

So our boys in Me vs Hero have recently released their debut EP which is already gaining a tonne of new fans and is quickly becoming one of our fastest selling CDs! (You can get your copy from http://punktastic.bigcartel.com !

The band head out for a stack of tour dates later this Spring - catch them and take your friends with you!

28 Feb MAYHEM IN MANCHESTER MUSIC BOX (14+) w/the honey moon suite and paige manchester, Northwest
15 Mar ROADKILL (ADAM PANTHER BONE CANCER FUND) w/elias last day Liverpool, Northwest
20 Mar CIVIC HALL w/ kisskissbaby and smudge Nantwich, Northwest
24 Mar THE REGAL (14+) w/kisskissbaby and smudge Oxford, South
27 Mar THE FIGHTING COCKS w/kisskissbaby and smudge Kingston upon Thames, London
11 Apr TENTERDEN TOWN HALL w/mexicofallz and not advised Tenderden, London
12 Apr BRIDGE HOUSE w/mexico fallz and not advised Copsale, South
14 Apr MUSIC BOX (14+) w/mexicofallz and not advised Manchester,
15 Apr CAFE DRUMMONDS w/mexicofallz and not advised Aberdeen, Scotland
16 Apr ROCKERS w/mexico fallz and not advised Glasgow, Scotland
17 Apr MONTYS w/mexicofallz and not advised Dunfirmline, Scotland
18 Apr WESTPORT BAR (14+) w/mexicofallz and paige Dundee, Scotland
19 Apr THE STUDIO w/mexico fallz and paige Hartlepool
20 Apr ROYAL PARK CELLARS w/mexicofallz and paige Leeds
25 Apr THE VOODOO ROOMS w/a man down Sunderland
26 Apr FISHTANK w/a man down Durham
2 Jun BARFLY w/kill the arcade, we have a getaway, the honeymoon suite Liverpool
3 Jul CROSS KINGS w/rig up explosive London, London and South East

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